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Visit & Track Cyamudongo Chimpanzee Community

Visit & Track Cyamudongo Chimpanzee Community

Track Cyamudongo Chimpanzee Community, one of the most amazing Chimpanzee communities found in Nyungwe Forest National Park. This community has about 30 members that are fully habituated and open for visiting by primate enthusiasts. Thanks to its moderate terrain and incredible location (not far from the starting point), this community is considered the best to be visited in Nyungwe Forest. Book Now

You must secure your permit to track the Cyamudongo Chimpanzee community (of about 30 individuals) is undeniably considered the most reliable, so far in Nyungwe National Park. Cyamudongo is a small patch of forest along the eastern side of Nyungwe Forest and is considered part of the Park although physically detached from the main and larger forest.

The Cyamudongo community, like any other chimpanzee community in the jungle, covers a vast territory but smaller units/groups of chimps are formed. These smaller units can be visited by groups of visitors. Remember that these Great Apes converge into the larger community in the evenings overnight.

Tracking the Cyamudongo Chimpanzee community

Tracking of the Cyamudongo Chimpanzee community usually starts at 5:00 am from the Gisakura Park office hence it is important to plan for an early start, depending on where you are staying. However, it is about a one-and-a-half-hour drive from Gisakura to Cyamudongo forest where this chimpanzee community is based, and due to the nature/terrains of the road, a 4WD Vehicle is highly recommended. In case you need to hire a safari vehicle for Nyungwe, let us know, and. we will serve you accordingly.

Given the early start for chimpanzee tracking in Cyamudongo Forest, we recommend registration and payment for the chimpanzee tracking adventure at least the day before the actual trek.

How long does it take to track the Cyamudongo chimpanzee community?

Before answering the question of “how long it takes to track the Cyamudongo Chimpanzee community of Nyungwe”, it is important to first note that these Great Apes are wild animals that make new nests each single day. This therefore means that they don’t have a permanent address/home where you are assured of finding them. For this reason, the time taken to find them is very unpredictable but because trackers first move into the forest beforehand to ascertain their location, treks don’t last as long as you would imagine. The trackers stay in constant communication with Park guides and Rangers during the tracking process while updating them on the location of chimpanzee nests hence it will take about 2-4 hours to find the Cyamudongo community of chimpanzees.

When the chimpanzees are found, visitors are given a maximum of one hour to take pictures, watch, and learn about them. Remember to adhere to the issued guidelines by the Park Rangers and maintain the distance while watching them.

How much does it cost to track the Cyamudongo community of chimpanzees?

Chimpanzee tracking in Nyungwe Forest costs $250 per person (for International visitors) and this includes the tracking adventure and park entry fees (which are mandatory).

What to carry/wear for chimpanzee tracking in Cyamudongo.

First, for a smooth and memorable trekking experience for the Cyamudongo community of chimpanzees, we recommend average fitness as unlike the mountain gorillas that tend to be docile and don’t move much in their natural habitats, chimpanzees always swing through tree branches at swift speed thus you will sometimes need to follow them to capture great pictures. Also, the terrain is generally rugged and hilly thus advisable to wear sturdy hiking boots with enough grip, carry a walking stick, and wear gardening gloves. A long-sleeved shirt and long pants are recommended for comfort.

Also carry an insect repellant, an energy-giving snack, enough drinking water, a rain jacket, a good camera, a pair of binoculars, and sunglasses. You will also need a First aid kit and toiletries (hand sanitizer, and other personal items).

You can combine your Chimpanzee safari to Nyungwe Forest with a visit to Volcanoes National Park for a gorilla trekking safari opportunity, this is a lifetime safari experience in Rwanda.

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