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Hiring A Tent In Nyungwe National Park

Hiring a Tent in Nyungwe National Park

Hiring a Tent in Nyungwe National Park is now possible with the park management. Are you interested in camping around Gisakura or Uwinka? Grab our 3m x 3m canvas tent now and experience the best of Nyungwe with your friends and loved ones.  The tents are maxed 4 people. Book Now

Are thinking of visiting Nyungwe forest for chimpanzee tracking in Rwanda or simply going for a canopy walk or planning to have a night nocturnal walk? While in consideration of spending less on accommodation, regardless now the tents are available for you to hire. Simply book with us and we will ensure that the tent/s are made available for you for the days booked.

Other than hiring a tent in Nyungwe forest, you can consider a number of excursions to the forest and its surroundings, including a visit to the tea plantations, this is a perfect way for passionate tea lovers or Agro-tourists to discover how the fine and delicious tea they enjoy is planted, harvested and processed until it finds its way into the markets, homes or restaurants.

The fertile volcanic soils and favorably cool climate of Rwanda, as well as the altitude (rolling hills), have played a key role in influencing tea growing, which has undeniably become Rwanda’s main export. A visit to Tea Estate will offer an insight into how the tea most people enjoy is grown, up to when it is packed. The tea plantations/Estate is found on the western edge of Nyungwe Forest National park, close to Gisenyi Town, and is a perfect stop point for tourists interested in relaxing after a hectic Chimpanzee trek in Nyungwe Forest National Park.

Stay longer while camping around Nyungwe forest for a chance to explore more, , visit the waterfall trail in Nyungwe forest takes tourists through an off-beaten track to encounter some of the precious attractions found within the mountainous rainforest of Nyungwe Forest National Park. Hiking with the waterfall trail brings the feeling of the Tarzan movie-the primates, verdant vegetation, streams, and rivers flowing through the forest floor and the birds.  The waterfall trail in Nyungwe forest is also referred to as the Isumo trail and involves a 10.6-kilometer hike lasting about 4-5 hours. The hike through the waterfall trail rewards tourists with the sights and sounds of numerous bird species, wildlife, and other residents of the forest, not forgetting the jaw-dropping Isumo waterfall.

While hiring a tent in Nyungwe, make sure you specify the dates and number of nights you need it, important to note is also the number of people that you will be traveling with so as to plan and make the perfect arrangement for you. Rwanda as a safari destination is the perfect place to unwind and experience nature. You can extend your visit to Akagera National Park, by camping at Lake Mihind, Lake Shakani campsite, and Muyumbu campsite.

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