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Hiking Karamba Trail

Hiking Karamba Trail

Hiking Karamba trail in Nyungwe Forest is undeniably the best bird-watching trail in Nyungwe Forest National Park Rwanda. Hiking through Karamba takes 3 hours to conquer the 1935 to 2030 elevation. This trail leads visitors via open-air area with a higher chance to spot bird species, especially white-bellied robin chat, bush shrikes, African broadbill, Rwenzori nightjars, blue-headed sunbird, yellow-eyed black flycatchers, and more. Book Now

Karamba is found in a former gold mining area that turned into a quarry during road construction and an army camp. If you are interested in the less muddy trails, then consider conquering the Karamba trail on your next visit to Nyungwe Forest National Park. Besides birds, there are colorful orchids, interesting primates like Dent’s monkeys to be spotted, and also many giant trees. This trail also features some remains of traditional houses of people who lived in Nyungwe Forest previously.

Aside Karamba trail, other popular bird-watching trails to explore on Rwanda safaris in Nyungwe Forest National Park include the Bigugu trail, a 13km long birding trail located at an altitude of 2950m. This trail is best for bird watchers to find the red-collared mountain warblers.

Gisakura –offers incredible birding opportunities, especially if you are interested in birds such as the Kivu ground thrush, short-tailed warblers, mountain-masked apalis, regal sunbirds, and others.

Kamiranzovu –this is 6km trail, one of the best trails to find the grey crested kakamega, short tailed warblers, and Grauer’s swamp warblers.

Note, Nyungwe Forest National Park supports over 310 bird species and they comprise of Albertine rift endemics and forest birds. The notable birds of Nyungwe include shelley’s crimson wings, Albertine owlet, Eastern mountain greenbul, African paradise flycatchers, long crested eagles, Archer’s robin chat, strange weavers, Rwenzori nightjars, Kivu ground thrush, dwarf honey guide, handsome francolins, Rockefeller’s sunbird, purple breasted sunbird, stripe-breasted tit, and more.

Primates in Nyungwe -13 species of primate live in this park making it a preferred primate trekking safari park. The different primates that survive here include owl-faced monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, Angolan colobus monkeys, silver monkeys, L’hoest monkeys, chimpanzees, blue monkeys, Dent’s Mona monkeys, and others.

When to travel to Nyungwe for your hiking Karamba trail?

The best months of the year to go hiking in Nyungwe National Park are from June to September or during the 2nd dry season phase –December, January to February. These are the months of the year when Nyungwe forest ground is relatively drier making it simpler to hike through trails such as Karamba.

Places to stay in or around Nyungwe. 

When choosing where to stay, consider the most accessible lodges around the park to avoid long-distance driving for morning activities. The lodges to stay in Nyungwe include One& Only Nyungwe House, EAR Guesthouse, Nyungwe Top View Lodge, and others.

Getting to Nyungwe Forest from Kigali. 

Nyungwe Forest National Park is accessible for hiking tours by road or air. By road, driving from Kigali to the park takes 5-6 hours and by air, take helicopter charter/scheduled flights starting from Kigali Airport. Note, lodges such as One and Only Nyungwe Lodge even provide helicopter pick-ups something that can save you from long-distance driving on the road.

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