Banda Village at Nyungwe Forest
Banda Village is found deep in the heart of Nyungwe Forest. A rich cultural place that inspires the soul with entertaining dances, charming villagers, and incredible traditions. Access to this Banda village is via a mountain road or a delightful downhill hike from the end of the Canopy walk, as you get prepared to be part of the social encounter with the people living around this majestic village. Book Now
A day in Banda village will hold memories in your life, learning how the local people live, their way of life plus their daily activities, observing them in their home makes you fall in love with their life.
Take breathtaking photo opportunities fill the day along with a village tour, local food tasting, guided nature hikes, basket weaving, visitors can try the village’s own banana beer. Feel humbled to have a cultural performance of a traditional wedding ceremony arranged to share with you the ancient style family formation in Rwanda.
Reconnect with the people of Banda village helping you understand their values and up bring, feel and be part of the local life, an opportunity to prepare your unique woven basket with expert guidance from the local people and the local crafts are available to purchase in the village.
Nyungwe forest is a home to a million secrets to discover and explore. Visitors usually compliment the village visit with a chimpanzee trek in Rwanda or choose to visit the Colobus monkeys and other trek to Isumo water fall, Nyungwe’s biggest waterfall, thundering down to produce beautiful plumes of mist above the rocky river.
Take a moment to visit other places in Rwanda, including Volcanoes National Park. Connect you to Mountain gorillas and golden monkeys. Get an opportunity to track gorillas in Volcanoes or make a hike to Bisoke Mountain or trek to the Dian Fossey Grave. Get wakened by fresh air, feel connected to every breath while in our remarkable Rwanda.