The Cost of Canopy Walk in Nyungwe Forest
The cost of Canopy Walk in Nyungwe Forest is US$ 180.00 for a single person and US$ 140.00 per person. The rate is inclusive of park entry fees. you can do Canppy walk at 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM…
The cost of Canopy Walk in Nyungwe Forest is US$ 180.00 for a single person and US$ 140.00 per person. The rate is inclusive of park entry fees. you can do Canppy walk at 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM…
Budget Camping at Uwinka in Nyungwe Forest is one way to immerse yourself fully in nature. Nyungwe is home to Chimpanzees and other special primates. Book your camping slot, a tent, a sleeping mattress, and a sleeping bag early enough…
Ndambarare Waterfall & Canopy Walk Tour in Nyungwe Forest is getting so popular as the best experience for a day visitor to this remarkable forest. You will start with Ndambarare Waterfall at 09 AM for 3 hours and 30 30-minute…
The Canopy Walk and Tea Plantation tour in Nyungwe is very possible for you. Canopy Walk has 3 sessions starting at 8 AM, 10 AM, 1 PM, and 3 PM, you can choose which session is best for you and…